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电话: 18775048072
姓名: Kaviya
Tian Yu Gems

  Tianyu Gems Co., Ltd. locates in the world-renowned city of artificial gems Wuzhou, which is the biggest artificial gems producing base all around the world. We specialize in producing and selling various of synthetic gems and natural gemstones. We offer Cubic Zirconia, glass, both synthetic and natural Spinel, Corundum, Crystal, Agate, Tourmaline, Emerald, Garnet, Diopside, Topaz, Amazonite and other gemstones.

主要产品/业务: 锆石,尖晶,刚玉,托帕石,天然红宝,天然蓝宝,水晶和 纳米西陶

Tian Yu Gems / 广西 / 广西梧州宝石大厦 (543002) / 电话:18775048072

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